Independent design studio focused on digital product design and branding
Being a designer at heart I am committed to finding innovative solutions for building digital products. Trough a methodical approach developed over years of experience working with startups and established companies I aim to augment impact, create value and ultimately exceed expectations.
LES MOTS - Igniting self-expression
Paris, Jan 2017A writing school in the center of Paris where anyone can enroll on courses given by established writers.
Long-term design partners
San Francisco, Mar 2018Rebranding and redesign for Gorgias a revolutionary helpdesk service
Corilla Welcome Page
Paris, 12 nov 2017Facilitating users onboarding by presenting the core functionality of a product in three simple animations
Techplaces Visual Identity
Paris, 12 nov 2017Reseau des cantines - Network of coworking spaces and tech hubs in France, rebranded into Techplaces.
Demo Day Visual Identity
Paris, 12 nov 2017Branding and Art Direction for a recurring event marking the end of the startup acceleration season at NUMA
Setkeeper Visual Identity
Paris, 12 nov 2017Established film production management app changes name in order to appeal to an international market
Devfloor Visual Identity
Paris, 12 nov 2017Branding for a coworking space in Paris dedicated to developers